What to do
Mountain Bike Center
The vineyards of Sant Miquel
This route through the vineyards of Sant Miquel visits the farmlands surrounding Tremp on the west, climbing first to the hill where the village of Sant Adrià was built, as a vantage point over the whole basin, and following then along the recently planted vineyards and cereal fields surrounding Tremp.
Starting Point: Temple
Endpoint: Temple
Route: Temple-Tendrui-St. Adria-St. -Michael Temple
Distance: 20.2 km
Ascent: 475m
Centre BTT Pallars Jussà
Pavelló Municipal d’Esports de La Pobla de Segur
C/ la font, s/n
25500 La Pobla de Segur
Tel. - Fax: 973 680 644
E-mail: patronatesports@pobladesegur.cat
Opening hours:
Monday to saturday: 17:30h - 21:00h
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