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The region

The region of Pallars Jussà

Welcome to the tourist website of Pallars Jussà, where you will get to know our places of historical, cultural and scenic interest, as well as our gastronomy and the tourist services offered.

Our region is located between the Lleida Plain and the Pyrenees, and here you will find a remarkable landscape contrast, from Mediterranean settings to high mountain areas.

Throughout these landscapes you will find the traces of the past from millions of years ago until the present days. You can see the remains of the dinosaurs' existence, the funeral rites through the megalithic tombs, the expansion of the Romans, the monumental heritage in castles, Romanesque churches or walled towns created in the Middle Ages, when the Pallars Jussà was a territory in the border. But the Pallars Jussà is also tradition and memory, where some ancient traditions are still celebrated, such as the Fallas race, the Raiers rafting in the Noguera Pallaresa or the cattle fairs that were so important in the past. Gastronomy is another evidence of this traditions, with products that keep the best from the past and have evolved to adapt the new times.

Landscapes where stones say so much and where the water plays a prominent role, joining us throughout the region ans offering us great panoramas with reservoirs, lakes and rivers. This water wealth transformed the whole region in the past, and today we can still see the hydroelectric heritage that this usage of water left.

We invite you to join us and enjoy the genuine and living region of Pallars Jussà.