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Torallola - RIvert Salàs de Pallars

What to do

Mountain Bike Center

Torallola - RIvert Salàs de Pallars


The first part of this route runs parallel to the C-13 road in the direction of  Sant Joan de Vinyafrescal. From this village, the route goes on to the hermitage of Sant Roc. It then continues past the villages of Torallola and Toralla on the right, and heads on to where it meets the path to Rivert. Without making too much of a detour, it is possible to admire the beautiful fountain and the pool that stand in the main square of the village. The route then continues through the Salàs wood, before arriving at the village of Salàs de Pallars. It is then back to la Pobla de Segur, following the old path that passes beneath the Solà bridge, and the MTB centre.


Starting point: Centre d'acollida de la Pobla de Segur 

Approximate duration: 3 hours 

Distance: 29 km 

Altitude: 680 m


Centre BTT Pallars Jussà

Pavelló Municipal d’Esports de La Pobla de Segur

C/ la font, s/n

25500 La Pobla de Segur

Tel. - Fax: 973 680 644



Opening hours:

Monday to saturday: 17:30h - 21:00h