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Serrat de St. Roc

What to do

Mountain Bike Center

Serrat de St. Roc


This is the route that takes cyclists furthest north from the MTB centre. The route follows the old Sant Miquel road as far as the Erinyà gorge, before eventually reaching the settlement of Senterada. This marks the start of a steep 800 m climb up to Sant Roc. The effort is rewarded by a spectacular view of a natural landscape that then leads cyclists on to the upper Serradell valley and the village of Erinyà. From there, the route continues up to Toralla, passing the hermitage of Santa Maria de l'Obac on the way. After Toralla, it continues on to the Ramonic mountains, before heading towards Torallola and Sant Joan de Vinyafrescal. This long trip finally ends back at the MTB centre in la Pobla de Segur. 


Starting point: Centre d'acollida de la Pobla de Segur 

Length of time: 5 h 30m 

Distance: 43.62 km 

Altitude: 1400 meters


Centre BTT Pallars Jussà

Pavelló Municipal d’Esports de La Pobla de Segur

C/ la font, s/n

25500 La Pobla de Segur

Tel. - Fax: 973 680 644



Opening hours:

Monday to saturday: 17:30h - 21:00h