What to do
Mountain Bike Center
Aramunt - St.Martí de Canals
This route skirts the northeast shore of the Sant Antoni reservoir as it heads towards the village of Aramunt. It then crosses the bridge over the river Noguera Pallaresa and runs through the small village of El Pont de Claverol, which houses the Museu dels Raiers (Rafters' Museum). Once at the village of Aramunt, there is a climb up to the village of Sant Martí. This is the hardest section of the route. It follows a rural path, which is in quite good condition, that leads first to the Sant Martí spring and then to the settlement. Here, it is possible to enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of the Sant Antoni reservoir. From this point on, the route descents mildly as it follows the local road that leads back to La Pobla de Segur.
Starting point: Centre d'acollida de la Pobla de Segur
Length of time: 1 h 15 m
Distance: 17.5 km
Altitude: 195 m
Centre BTT Pallars Jussà
Pavelló Municipal d’Esports de La Pobla de Segur
C/ la font, s/n
25500 La Pobla de Segur
Tel. - Fax: 973 680 644
E-mail: patronatesports@pobladesegur.cat
Opening hours:
Monday to saturday: 17:30h - 21:00h