What to do

Altimiris settlement. Pre-Roman settlement from a not well known period of our history, from the 5th to the 9th century, between the Ancient times and the High Middle Ages. It consists of a settlement and a hermitage which reminds to Machu Picchu.
The otter viewpoint. A scenic view of the whole reserve can be seen from the natural viewpoint made up of the curve in the track above the river Noguera Ribagorçana, which leads to Alsamora just before La Masieta, from where you can see the river's rapids before it enters the gorge, the hermitage of Mare de Déu del Congost and Xiriveta Castle.
Monumental trees. Despite being a relatively dry area that has been exploited by humans for centuries, we find some massive trees with a high natural value. You can see mainly big specimens of oaks (Quercus cerrioides), especially in the Obaga Mitjana and on the banks of the Canelles reservoir, between La Masieta and the Sant Jaume ravine. The holm oaks (Quercus ilex) from Mas de Carlets are also remarkable.
The Mont-rebei gorge is a wonderful place to enjoy all kinds of outdoors activities, due to its amazing landscape and environment.
You can follow different routes to know better this impressive area, its fauna, flora and cultural heritage.
- Mont-rebei gorge: This is the classical Mont-rebei path (GR-1). It is about 4 km long and takes about 4 hours, 2 hours to go and two back. Perfect for an all-day trip. The path runs down a very smooth slope and enters the gorge; after crossing the gorge you may prolong your walk by a steady, moderate climb to Carlets Farmhouse. Be careful in the gorge sector: it is not suitable for people with vertigo or who are not used to heights. By car, the furthest you can go is to the Masieta area (car park). You may choose either to undo the same path (2h) or to continue across towards the area of the Mare de Déu de la Pertusa and Corçà (another 2h 30 mins).
- Lo Queixigar and Mirador d'Altamiris: The route is 2 km long, and takes about 3 hours there and back. It can be easily done in half a day. The path is a climbing track from an altitude of 500 m to 900 m. You must take the path that leaves the car park to the south, towards the Mont-rebei gorge, and after crossing the Maçana ravine, where you will find the metal hanging bridge, you can continue the path for about 50 m, swiftly climbing out of the forest to a ledge (Altamiris). After this point is the start of the path towards the east, where the Obaga Gran path descends until it meets the next route.
- Obaga Gran and Carboners. The route is about 2.5 km long and takes about three hours. Leaving the car park, you must take the track towards the gorge by the Camí de les Tarteres. After crossing the first ravine, Jullanes, not very frequented, you must take a track that climbs up to a hill where there are some ruins. This is the starting point for the Carboners trail, to the East, which goes into the sunny side of the Maçana ravine. From a rocky rise you can see the whole shady side, the trail goes down and first crosses the Maçana ravine and then a second ravine, where it joins the route 2.
- From Alsamora to Altimiris via the Obaga Gran: About 6 hours. Perfect for a whole-day trip. The path has a variable slope, with some sections that climb and others that slope down both moderately and very steeply. The route leaves the village of Alsamora towards the gorge and crosses several ravines on the shady side until it meets the end of route 2, at the height of the former fields of Lo Queixigar and Altimiris. We recommend walking down the Altimiris trail (route 2).
Epicentre - Centre de Visitants del Pallars Jussà
Passeig del Vall, 13
25620 Tremp
Tel.: 973 653 470
E-mail: oficinaturisme@pallarsjussa.cat
Epicentre- Centre de Visitants del Pallars Jussà
Passeig del Vall , 13. 25620. Tremp
Telf: 973653470
Correu electrònic: epicentre@pallarsjussa.cat
- See more at: http://www.pallarsjussa.net/ca/patrimoni-cultural/casa-forta-de-miravet#...