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Siall and Llordà trail

What to do

Conca de Tremp i Dellà

Siall and Llordà trail

Camí de Llorda i Siall
Starting point:
Finish point:
Distance: 4,4 km
Time: 1 h 30 min
Ascent: 327 m
Decline: 35 m
Difficulty: Middle
Interest: High


Leave the village of Siall and take the trail heading southeast. You will get to an open area with flat stones and then back to a wooded area with oaks, pines and holm oaks. Cross a dried ravine and follow the pine wood to the track, follow this track heading southwest, where you will already see the castle of Llordà. Once in the track, follow the transmission towers, as there will be no longer paint marks.

Close to the point 3210 you will find again the yellow paint marks. Once you arrive at the summit, go towards south to the castle of Llordà and walk around it until you find the track that comes from the village of Llordà.

From the Castle, and to continue to the village of Llordà, walk back to the point 5310 and follow to Llordà heading southwest through a trail with a steep slope to the entrance of the village.

Route map 

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