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From Santa Engràcia to Pui de Lleràs

What to do


From Santa Engràcia to Pui de Lleràs

Camí de Sta. Engràcia a Pui de Lleràs
Starting point.
Sta. Engràcia
Finish point:
Pui de Lleràs
Distance: 6,7 km
Time: 2 h
Ascent: 745 m
Decline: 38 m
Difficulty: High
Interest: Middle/High


Leave the main square of the village to the west, the trail will get higher as you go further.

Turn to the right and follow the old dry-stone walls to the track to la Collada de Castellet. Cross that track and follow along the summit of Senadet. A bit further, take the main track and follow it until you find the track that comes from the Coll de Castellet, leave it to your left and continue through the track that goes to the ridge. You will get to the top of the Roca de Llenda, The crag is steeper in its western side. The edge gets wider until you get to the summit. From halfway of the route, there is a sparse pine forest.

Route map 

Mostra Camí de Sta. Engràcia a Pui de Lleràs en un mapa més gran

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