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Sant Pere de les Maleses trail

What to do

Pobla de Segur i Conca de Dalt

Sant Pere de les Maleses trail

Camí de St. Pere de les Maleses
Starting point: Font de la Figuereta
Finish point:
Font de la Figuereta
Distance: 9,3 km
Time: 2 h 35 min
Ascent: 370 m
Decline: 370 m
Difficulty: Middle
Interest: Middle/High


This trail starts at the road, climbing in zigzag to the foot of the crag through a box wood with young Aleppo pines and scots pines. You will find different Mediterranean species such as the strawberry tree. At this stage you can enjoy good views over the Collegats gorge. The trail is clear and it is marked with white paint. After passing under the crag, there are two close curves down and you will get to the Cova de Sa Serpente. The trail continues through an open area with phoenician juniper. Go down along the left bank of the Sant Pere ravine until you cross an area with small pools of water between the rocks. Continue through the woods until a little flag indicates the turn-off to the Sant Pere monastery. After about ten minutes of walk and crossing again the ravine, you will get to the monastery. It consists of some ruins attached to a rock cave, where there is still the apse of an old church building. Walk back to the main trail, which will slope down mildly as far as the track of Gramuntill, that will take you to the N-260 road.

Route map 

Mostra Camí de St. Pere de les Maleses en un mapa més gran

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