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From the Sallente Reservoir to Capdella

What to do

Vall Fosca i Vall de Manyanet

From the Sallente Reservoir to Capdella

Camí de Capdella a l'estany de Sallente
Starting Point:
Sallente Reservoir
Finish point:
Distance: 3,8 km
Time: 1 h 15 min
Ascent: 6 m
Decline: 353 m
Difficulty: Low
Interest: High


This trails starts at the Sallente Reservoir, at a height of 1800 m. You are at the edge of the mountain pine forests: over this height there are only rocks, screes and meadows. The trail follows a paved road up to a very closed curve, where you will find a small flag. The trail continues then down through small meadows and rocky areas. You will cross a stream (springs Costa Panosa). After that you will pass a shady area with deciduous trees and with dry-stone walls at both sides of the path. You will find then the turn-off to Coll del Triador and Llessuí. Once at this village, you will find several information boards.

Route map 

Mostra Camí de Capdella a l'estany de Sallent en un mapa més gran

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