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Nature route around Verneda de Palau

What to do

Conca de Tremp i Dellà

Nature route around Verneda de Palau

Itinerari de natura Verneda de Palau
Starting point:
Guàrdia de Noguera
Finish point:
Distance: 15,8 km
Time: 4 h 20 min
Ascent: 115 m
Decline: 226 m
Difficulty: Low
Interest: Middle


Leave from the southern part of the village of Guàrdia de Noguera, where you will see the old village laundry. Follow the 4x4 track, between fields of olive trees and almond trees. Further on the trail branches off towards the hermitage of Sant Sebastià. Follow the trail that goes down, crossing two ravines, until you get to the paved road to Cellers. Take this road towards the reservoir. Before crossing the railway tracks you will find the turn-off to Palau de Noguera. This trail follows along the railtracks between fields and woods. Further on, you will find the track that comes from the hermitage of Sant Sebastià. The track continues and crosses the road of Guàrdia de Noguera. Follow between fields and go around the old train stop. You will cross a ravine with very big oaks. Before arriving at the house of Espona, the trail takes the ravine of Torrentera to go down to the C-13 road.

Route map 

Mostra Itinerari de natura Verneda de Palau en un mapa més gran

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