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From la Coscona to Obeix

What to do

Vall Fosca i Vall de Manyanet

From la Coscona to Obeix

Camí de la Coscona a Obeix
Starting point
Finish point:
Borda del Cansat
Distance: 2 km 
Time: 30 min 
Ascent: 0 m  
Decline: 317 m  
Difficulty Low
Interest: High


From the upper part of Obeix, cross the village and take the eastern path flanked by a dry stone wall. A bit lower, you will see the village of Castell-estaó and its two hills.
The route goes on through a holm-oak wood characterized by the typical underbrush of this vegetal community. Several sections of the route are also composed of clay outcrops.
The last part of the itinerary is more sloping until you get to the L-503 road, next to Cansat’s hut (between Molinos and La Plana de Mont-ros).

Route map 

Mostra Camí de la Coscona a Oveix en un mapa més gran

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