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From Gurp to Santa Engràcia

What to do

Conca de Tremp i Dellà

From Gurp to Santa Engràcia

Gurp - Santa Engràcia
Starting point:
Santa Engràcia
Finish point:
Distance: 3,8 km
Time: 1 h 25 min
Ascent: 171 m
Decline: 240 m
Difficulty: Middle
Interest: Middle


This trail starts at the entrance of Santa Engràcia, between the village and the Raval. The first stage is shady, with a high dry-stone wall on the right side. After that, the woods slowly open and the trail slopes mildly down. You will cross two ravines, pass a holm oak wood and go slightly up again. At this point, you can already enjoy a beautiful panorama over the Gurp cliffs. The trail continues down until you get to a transparent waters ravine, where a little flag indicates you to climb a small trail up to an open oak wood with big trees. The trail keeps climbing up to a field area, where you can already see the hermitage of Sant Martí de Gurp. The Gurp ravine, where you can practise canyoning, is not far from here. The trail follows as far as the track leading to the village of Gurp.

Route map 

Mostra Gurp a Sta. Engràcia en un mapa més gran

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