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From Estavill to la Pobleta

What to do

Vall Fosca i Vall de Manyanet

From Estavill to la Pobleta

Camino de la Pobleta a Estavill
Starting point:
la Pobleta de Bellveí
Finish point:
Distance: 4,4 km
Time: 1 h 10 min
Ascent: 411 m
Decline: 24 m
Difficulty: Low
Interest: Low


The route starts on La Pobleta de Bellveí’s Portal square, and then goes down the path that leads to the river. Once at the river, walk 200 metres on the main road, over the bridge, and take the path towards Estavill, which will be crossed by the road in a few occasions.

Route map 

Mostra Camí de la Pobleta a Estavill en un mapa més gran

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