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From Estavill to Antist

What to do

Vall Fosca i Vall de Manyanet

From Estavill to Antist

From Estavill to Antist
Starting point: Estavill
Finish point: Antist
Distance: 2,6 km
Time 40 min
Ascent: 72 m
Decline: 31 m
Difficulty: Low
Interest: High


From the village car park, take the road going downwards. After 500 m take the turn-off to the right. Leave the path to la Rolea and go straight. At this point the trail is flat and you can enjoy good views of Estavill and the whole valley. The trail will leave the trees behind and follow a brush until you cross a stream. About 200 m further you cross an area of clayey gullies. Continue along the trail often skirted with a dry-stone wall, where shady and sunny parts alternate. You will arrive at Estavill.

Route map 

Mostra Camí d'Estavill a Antist en un mapa més gran

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