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The Estany Gento rail

What to do

Vall Fosca i Vall de Manyanet

The Estany Gento rail

El carrilet d'Estany Gento
Starting point:
Teleférico Estany Gento
Finish point:
Cambra d'aigües
Distance: 5 km
Time: 1 h 30 min
Ascent: 126 m
Descente: 102 m
Difficulty: Low
Interest: High


Get out of the cable car and walk along the Gento lake to the southwest.  Next to the dam and after the last house, you will find the railway tracks. Follow them through the tunnels until you get to the trail going up to the Sallent reservoir. Walk along the edges until you get to the pastures on the sunnier side. The trail is flat. After a few km you will get to the Cambra d'Aigües (water hall) where the railway tracks end. From this point, a big pipe goes directly to the Capdella power plant. The trail follows until you cross to the other side of the mountain. From this point, you will get to see the Coll de Triador, the Montsent de Pallars to the north and the valleys of Filià and Rus to the west.

Route map 

Mostra El carrilet d'Estany Gento en un mapa més gran

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