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Espluga de Serra to Torre de Tamúrcia

What to do


Espluga de Serra to Torre de Tamúrcia

Torre de Tamúrcia a Espluga de Serra
Starting point:
Espluga de Serra
Finish point:
Torre de Tamúrcia
Distance: 5,2 km
Time: 1 h 45 min
Ascent: 286 m
Decline: 130 m
Difficulty: Low
Interest: Middle


Starting at the lower part of Espluga de Serra, this trail descends mildly between dry-stone walls. You will pass by a house in ruins. Out of the oak wood you will find a track. Cross it a couple of times and continue to the village of Torogó. Take a trail leaving next to a house until you find a track, and follow it. Take then a trail, passing a rocky area, cross a ravine and climb up through some terraces and a trail until you reach the southern part of Torre de Tamúrcia.

Route map 

Mostra Torre de Tamúrcia a Espluga de Serra en un mapa més gran

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