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Clot de les Moles, Llabusta and Vilamitjana

What to do

Conca de Tremp i Dellà

Clot de les Moles, Llabusta and Vilamitjana

Vilamitjana a Llabusta i Clot de Moles
Starting point: Vilamitjana
Finish point: Vilamitjana
Distance: 12,5 km
Time: 3 h
Ascent: 609 m
Decline: 609 m
Difficulty: Middle
Interest: Middle/High


Drive with the car on the road from Tremp C- 1412b and take a road on the left towards Camí dels Nerets. Continue on this road a few minutes until you see a wider area on your left, leave the car here and continue on foot. You will start climbing a track on you left, and a few metres later take a trail on your left. At the end on the right you will see a farm while getting into the Clot de Moles ravine, where you can find the old quarry surrounded by holm oaks and boxes. Go around the ravine on the right side clockwise. A bit further, crossing to the left bank of the ravine, you will see the remains of the old quarry, where you can see the rocks stratification separated by sand layers. Climbing in zigzag through the rocks you can see the Montsec d'Ares and Montsec de Rúbies, the gorge and fields. Pass through the cattle track and continue up on the right side.


Route map 

Mostra Vilamitjana a Llabusta i Clot de Moles en un mapa més gran

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