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Bóixols Bridge

What to do

Conca de Tremp i Dellà

Bóixols Bridge

Pont de Bóixols
Starting point: Bóixols
Finish point: Bóixols Bridge
Distance: 1,2 km
Time: 40 min
Ascent: 51 m
Decline: 168 m
Difficulty: Low
Interest: Landscaping


Take the trail behind a house to leave the village of Bóixols, and go down until you find the river. Cross it and continue up through the trail surrounded with boxes. Continue up arriving to a small pass right next to the road. Before getting there, turn left and descend the Bóixols ravine through a cobbled path with stone walls. You will get to the Bóixols bridge, and crossing it you will see the waterfall underneath it, the main attraction of this spot.

Route map 

Mostra Pont de Bóixols en un mapa més gran

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