Experience Nature
Natural Spaces
The Mont-rebei area is considered one of the most valuable natural and scenic spaces in Catalonia. It is specially attractive to those who enjoy hiking, climbing, canoeing and caving. The track dug in the rock on the eastern wall of the gorge makes it accessible to most of the visitors. The walls of the gorge reach vertical heights of more than 500 metres at points where the minimum width of the gorge is only of 20 metres.
For the most part it is included within the natural interest space (PEIN) of the Montsec and it also borders on the Partial Nature Reserve of the Mont-rebei Gorge. In 14 April 2005, the Mont-Rebei gorge was declared a Wildlife Refuge.
Adventure sports |
Nature observation |
Cultural tourism |
Epicentre - Centre de Visitants del Pallars Jussà Passeig del Vall , 13 25620. Tremp Tel.: 973 653 470 E-mail: oficinaturisme@pallarsjussa.cat |
La Masieta Tel.: 608 292 044 Congost de Mont-rebei E-mail: info@congostdemontrebei.cat |
Reserve parking in this web: www.congostdemontrebei.cat