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St. Vicenç de Capdella

Cultural heritage

Romanesque churches

St. Vicenç de Capdella

St. Vicenç de Capdella


This church is built with granite ashlars. It has rectangular plan, with an apse attached to the east façade in which you can see the decoration and construction features of the Lombard Romanesque architecture, built with pumice stone. The belfry is located in the south façade, over a chapel.

It maintained its original structure until the side chapels and the sacristy were built, between the 16th and the 18th centuries.

A Romanesque carving from this church can be seen at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. It represents a Christ and contains a wood reliquary on the inside. Another Romanesque reliquary can be found at the Museu Diocesà d'Urgell.


There is no evidence of its consecration and first mention appears in a document from 1010. This church was part of the domains of the Erill family and it belongs to the bishopric of Urgell.


Epicentre- Centre de Visitants del Pallars Jussà

Passeig del Vall , 13

25620 Tremp

Tel.: 973 653 470


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St. Vicenç de Capdella