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Montllobar Castle

Cultural heritage

Border Castles

Montllobar Castle

Montllobar Castle


Located in Fígols de Tremp, this fortress was a key element to control the mountain range that separates the Tremp basin from the Noguera Ribagorçana river basin.

The only remains left is a round tower, especially damaged, with the gate situated 6 metres high.


First mentions of this castle are strongly linked to Eroles Castle, as both fortresses belonged to Roger d'Eroles. In 1404, this area and Sant Adrià went under the jurisdiction of the Crown.


Epicentre- Centre de Visitants del Pallars Jussà

Passeig del Vall , 13

25620 Tremp

Tel.: 973 653 470


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Montllobar Castle
Montllobar Castle
Montllobar Castle