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François Pujol i Molins

Cultural heritage

Handicrafts of the Region

François Pujol i Molins


He has been more than 25 years in jewellery, working precious metals with traditional techniques and with a limited production. The aim is to find harmony between silver and other materials, such as glass, ceramics, wood or lacquer. All products are handmade.

Craftsman License.

Information about services

  • Own workshop.
  • Commissioned works.

Products created

Silver jewellery, mixed with different materials (glass fusing, high temperature ceramics, wood, bone, etc.)


François Pujol i Molins

C/ Únic, s/n

25632 Alsamora (Sant Esteve de la Sarga)

Tel.: 973 252 248 - 628 246 859


How to arrive 


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