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Estorm Tower

Cultural heritage

Border Castles

Estorm Tower

Estorm Tower


The remains of the Estorm Castle are located on the top a rock over the valley of Sant Esteve de la Sarga and consist of a round tower, nowadays strongly damaged, and a fortified area which enclosed the top of the hill. This tower was part of the defensive line to the north of Montsec d'Ares and has a wide visual control area.


First mention in documents dates from 1075 in the will of the lord of Estorm and from 1099 when Pere Ramon I de Pallars gave Estorm to the Canònica de Mur.


Epicentre- Centre de Visitants del Pallars Jussà

Passeig del Vall , 13

25620 Tremp

Tel.: 973 653 470


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