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Alsamora Tower

Cultural heritage

Border Castles

Alsamora Tower

Torre d'Alsamora


The Alsamora Tower stands at the foot of Montsec d'Ares, to the east of the Mont-rebei gorge. This is a typical border castle form the 11th century, with all its elements. The round tower which was surrounded by the walled enclosure is remarkable in this construction. To access the tower we need to go to the east side and go over a moat dug in the rock.


The Alsamora castle was built right in the county of Pallars, in front of the Muslim domains in Àger. It clearly had the purpose of controlling the banks of Noguera Ribagorçana in the Mont-rebei gorge and of communicating with the castles of Girbeta and Viacamp, to the west of Noguera Ribagorçana river.


Epicentre- Centre de Visitants del Pallars Jussà

Passeig del Vall , 13

25620 Tremp

Tel.: 973 653 470


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Torre d'Alsamora
Torre d'Alsamora