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Boumort Mountains

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Natural Spaces

Boumort Mountains

Boumort Mountains


The Boumort National Game Reserve covers 13,097 hectares located among different mountain ranges of the Catalan western Pre-Pyrenees. Visiting this space gazetted in 1991 gives you a unique chance of enjoying its wonderful plant and animal biodiversity. The red deer's rut is especially remarkable, at the beginning of autumn, when the stags dispute the favours of the female deer. This reserve offers you the privilege of being a silent witness of this crucial moment for the conservation of the species.

It is also important to highlight the presence of the Pyrenean chamois and, in more limited areas, of the roe deer. Amongst the eminently forest fauna, it is possible to highlight the presence of the capercaillie, black woodpecker and Tengmalm's owl. In its open areas visitors may see the red-legged partridge, rabbit, and European hare; and on cliffs and precipices it is possible to find rock loving raptors, including the bearded vulture, griffon vulture, Egyptian vulture or golden eagle. The cinereous vulture is an extinct species that has been reintroduced in the Reserve, making it the only place in Europe where you can find breeding the four species of vultures of the continent, which can be enjoyed from the Boumort Raptor Hide. Amongst the carnivores present in the area, it is important to mention the red fox, badger, genet and stone marten, as well as more restricted-range species, such as the wild cat, pine marten and weasel. Finally, it is important to stress the presence of quite unique species in the streams and water courses of the area, such as the Pyrenean brook salamander and the white-clawed crayfish.

You can visit de Reserve either on your own, through a network of forest dirt roads open to the public, or using the licensed operators that run guided visits with 4WD vehicle.

More nformation.

Download the list of vertebrate species in the RNC of Boumort here


. Wildlife watching hides in Boumort

. The deer's rut

. Activity Guide 2023


Epicentre- Centre de Visitants del Pallars Jussà

Passeig del Vall , 13

25620. Tremp

Tel.: 973 653 470

Correu electrònic:

Reserva Nacional de Caça de Boumort

C/ Can Farga, 4

25620 Tremp

Tel.: 973 654 716

Correu electrònic:

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RNC de Boumort
RNC de Boumort
RNC de Boumort
RNC de Boumort
RNC de Boumort
RNC de Boumort
RNC de Boumort
RNC de Boumort
RNC de Boumort