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From la Plana de Mont-ros to Antist

What to do

Vall Fosca i Vall de Manyanet

From la Plana de Mont-ros to Antist

Starting point: La Plana de Mont-ros
Finish point: Antist
Distance: 6,1 km
Time: 1 h 50 min
Ascent: 554 m
Decline: 205 m
Difficulty: Low
Interest: Middle


The route starts next to the southern entrance to La Plana de Mont-ros. It first goes up a street and then follows a small shady path surrounded by box trees. The height difference to the village of Beranui is quite important. Once in Beranui, take the path down to the Corba del rap (“monkfish curve”), go past the fountain and follow the path across Solaró’s ravine (quite easy). Before getting to the Corba del rap, leave the old path and go along the farm until you arrive to the main road. Cross it and take the path up to Antist. The first section, pretty flat, crosses a field, the Flamisell river, and then goes uphill through a wooded area, characterized by an impressive oakwood.

Route map 

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