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Montesquiu - Galliner

What to do

Mountain Bike Center

Montesquiu - Galliner


The first part of this route coincides with routes 1 and 2 as far as the village of Aramunt. From there, it follows a path that leaves the village in the direction of Pui de l'Anell. The route follows the foot of the mountains and skirts the Sant Antoni reservoir as it follows a well-maintained path that leads to Casa Casasses. There is then a steep rise to the Neret rock, passing the old village of Galliner, which stands away to the left. The Neret rock offers an impressive view and down below it is possible to see the whole of the Tremp basin with the reservoirs of Sant Antoni and Cellers and the Montsec mountains in the background. It is worth the effort of the ride just to see this spectacular landscape. There is then a rather steep descent back towards la Pobla de Segur, with the route passing the village of Montesquiu and also the springs of Pujol. The route finally heads on in the direction of Sant Martí de Canals before following the same road followed in the first part of the trip on the way back to la Pobla de Segur. 


Starting point: Centre d'acollida de la Pobla de Segur 

Approximate duration: 3 hours 

Distance: 33.5 km 

Altitude: 680 m


Centre BTT Pallars Jussà

Pavelló Municipal d’Esports de La Pobla de Segur

C/ la font, s/n

25500 La Pobla de Segur

Tel. - Fax: 973 680 644



Opening hours:

Monday to saturday: 17:30h - 21:00h