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The Erinyà Woods

What to do

Mountain Bike Center

The Erinyà Woods


The first stage of this route follows the same path as route 3 as far as the crossroads leading to the village of Toralla. There, it is possible to leave the bicycles and make a visit to the Bronze Age caves of Toralla. Alternatively, for those who prefer a more relaxing visit, it is possible to go up to the viewpoint called "El Coll" and enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of the Pyrenees. The route now descends, in the shade of Serradell, to the point where it crosses the river and then leads on to the village of Erinyà. It continues along the road that leads to the Erinyà gorge. Just before the tunnel, the route crosses the N-260 and then follows the old main road to la Pobla de Segur. Along this section of the old road, the route passes the 12th century hermitage of Sant Miquel before finishing back in la Pobla de Segur.


Starting point: Centre d'acollida de la Pobla de Segur 

Length of time: 3 h 50 m 

Distance: 30 km 

Altitude: 700 m


Centre BTT Pallars Jussà

Pavelló Municipal d’Esports de La Pobla de Segur

C/ la font, s/n

25500 La Pobla de Segur

Tel. - Fax: 973 680 644



Opening hours:

Monday to saturday: 17:30h - 21:00h