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The Mont-rebei Gorge

What to do


The Mont-rebei Gorge

El Congost de Mont-Rebei
Starting point:
Parking of the Masieta
Finish point:
Bridge on the river la Noguera
Distance: 5,8 km
Time: 1 h 30 min
Ascent: 110 m
Decline: 120 m
Difficulty: Low
Interest: High


From the car park, take the flat track up to the first turn-off. If the reservoir is empty, take the turn-off to the right, if it is full, take it to the left. Both paths will take you to the metal bridge, cross it. In this case, you will go on the right side and will come back on the left. You will pass the area where the water is closest, and see different plant species: the box, mountain pine, oak, rose bush, holm oak, maples and bank vegetation when getting close to the reservoir. You will get to a turn-off, this is the point where you will take the other path when coming back (Camí de les Tarteres). The turn-off to the left takes to the SL-C5 trail, but you have to go straight. The trails and the walls start getting higher and you find some handrails. Go further in a flatter area between the walls, where you will find several benches. Take the Camí de les Tarteres (screes path), up to a small hill to go down afterwards. You will cross two wooden bridges and the will arrive at the car park.

There is no protection at the gorges, so this is not a recommended route when travelling with small children.

Route map 

Mostra Congost de mont-rebei en un mapa més gran

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