Access to the Colomina refuge is not an easy route as there are several key steps that are not feasible in all conditions of stability. We will cross, on several occasions, through complex terrain.
Once at the shelter, the possibilities for activities and crossings are enormous, with the ascent of the various “giants” of the Vall Fosca highlighted.
Granges de Pobellà
10,3 km
+985 m
Cota màx./mín.
1460 m / 2445 m
Simple / Exigent
We go up by car until we find the snow on the track that leaves Pobellà in the direction of the Pobellà and Sant Quiri corrals. We leave the car in the corrals and follow the track that in less than a kilometer will enter the forest. We reach the Sant Quiri pass (1714 m) and leave the forest.
We leave the track and turn in a northerly direction following the wide area of meadows. Without leaving this ridge flanked on the left by rocky areas with a steep slope, we reach the Roca de Rovellossa (2015 m). From this point we will continue in a NE direction until we take the broad ridge of Tuc de la Cometa and we will follow it to the summit.
We can descend following the same route. In conditions of instability, it is the most recommended. If the snow conditions are stable we can venture down the western slope of Tuc de la Cometa and pass between the Roca de Rovellosa and the rocks of Bernatxo. It is a shovel with slopes close to 40 degrees that we only have to face if we are sure of good stability and our skiing level.
We will continue descending towards the southwest to the ravine of the Basses and, without crossing it, we will reach a forest track that glides on. We will take it to the south until we reach the starting point of the route.
While the uphill itinerary does not involve any difficulty, for the downhill one, experience and good knowledge of the terrain are required to trace the safest route. It is a very good option in the middle of winter after a generous snowfall up to high altitudes and that will make access to other areas of the valley much more difficult.