This circular route is highly recommended when there is good snowfall in the valley, as it allows you to start skiing from Capdella. Due to the low difficulty of the terrain, it is a highly recommended ascent in situations of recent snowfall when activity is not recommended in other more exposed areas.
18,3 km
+1345 m
Cota màx./mín.
1430 m / 2772 m
Simple (algun pas d’EXIGENT)
Existeixen cartells verticals a la zona de la cabana del Pletiu.
We leave Cabdella and follow the ascent of route 4.1 and 4.2 that goes up the Francí ravine. At about 2,250 m we will find a valley that is difficult to identify as it is usually well covered by snow. We will follow the central ravine in a westerly direction, leaving to the north the one that climbs towards the lake of Francí de Dalt. We continue ascending along a wide and flatter terrain to the Conca lake.
In front of us we have the obaga of Tuc de la Mina with the terrain already starting to get steeper. Access to the ridge can be attacked through several channels that we will have to choose according to the snow.
We usually reach the ridge already with crampons on our feet and continue in an east direction until we reach the Pic de la Mina (2732 m).
The descent we propose is that of the east side of the peak. It is a very straight and exposed terrain that will take us back to the Pletiu hut (2000 m) and from here we will undo the climb following the Riqüerna valley to Cabdella.
Mostly we will move on demanding terrain except for the part of access to the ridge and the descent which is done on complex terrain. We must be very sure of the stability of the snow to face the upper part of the route and the descent. If you can get to the top and see the eastern slope is unstable or lacking snow, a good option is to evaluate and go down the NE slope until you find the ascent trail.
At the Pletiu hut we will have a good view of the most exposed part of the descent from the peak and we can decide whether to do the circular part or switch to a safer alternative descent. Arriving at Conca lake, we can get an idea of the distribution and characteristics of the snow in the most complicated part of the route. If we approach the obaga we will find good areas to study in detail the structure of the mantle.